During the labour day celebrations, the president announced that the curfew had also been revised to 10pm to 4am from 8pm to 4am, with effect from mid-night on May 1, 2021.
"That the hours of curfew in the Zoned Area are revised to commence at 10:00pm and end at 4:00am, with effect from mid-night on this 1st day of May, 2021, until otherwise directed," he stated.
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This, he noted, was after the Covid-19 positivity rate went low in the last one month.
"There has been a 74% decrease in terms of infections in Nairobi. Data from our medical experts suggest that the same trend from areas we put on lock down on March 26th of this year, the covid caseload within the zoned areas has come down by 72%," the president stated.
In his speech on Labour Day celebrations at State House, Nairobi, on Saturday, he said the curfew will remain from 10pm to 4am.
Bars will be allowed to operate until 7pm while restaurants will resume normal operations.
Uhuru also announced that schools will reopen this month as planned. There had been concerns on whether schools would reopen with surging Covid-19 cases.
Uhuru's lifting of the lock down comes as business people and Kenyans at large raised concerns about the state of the economy following restrictions.
Activists had on Saturday convened in Nairobi's CBD and planned a protest march to State House to demonstrate against the measures causing pain in Kenyans' pockets.
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