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4 pcs Beauty and Clothes Water Decals (from Born Pretty Store) Review!...

CHIC Silky White
CHINA GLAZE Mahogany Magic

Hi! I have another product sent by Born Pretty Store to review and show you today. I had a lot of fun doing this nail art using one of their unique water decals.

This set is called 4 pcs Nail Water Decals Beauty Makeup Jewelry Clothes Hat Glasses. I think the name says it all. lol. This costs US$3.99 or Php 177. Now, there are three sets you can choose from and I chose BOP/132-135 (because of the neckties and mustaches). Hehe. You can click on the picture to zoom in. 
For this nail art, I used some decals from BOP/133 (upper-right set). I got the bow ties and made brown tuxedos using Mahogany Magic and Silky White. I then made a sort of "undercover" face (or disguise) on my accent nail using Fast Track as the base.
This product turned out really well. I mean, yes, you can see some white edges on the designs but they looked like white shadows so that's okay. Also, I'm still drawing blank on what I'm going to do those denim designs. Do you have any suggestions? Hihi. Anyway, thanks again to Born Pretty Store for sending this to me. And thank you for dropping by! Good night and I'll see you again soon!

Don't forget to use my coupon code: KAG10 to get 10% off when you buy some nail art goodies. (If 10 people uses this, we get a giveaway, woohoo)! Hihi. Oh and who here is excited for Christmas? Hahaha. It's Septem-BER, the start of the -BER months! lol. Sorry. I just can't believe how fast time flies. 

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