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Lillian Muli unveils Otile Brown as her celebrity crush

Lillian Muli
On Instagram, riveting  news anchor Lilian Muli, recently unveiled a Kenyan singer as her celebrity crush.

During an interesting Q&A session where fans posed various questions on her personal life, the mother of two responded to fans who wished to know who her Kenyan celebrity crush was.

To our surprise, she  named R&B hit maker Otile brown as her celebrity crush and maintained her decision was influenced by his musical talents.

“Otile Brown, he is very talented,” she replied.

About a week ago, the singer  real name Jacob Obunga emerged victorious after being named as one of  East Africa’s most popular singers with some of his hits namely Regina, Baby Love, and Mapenzi Hisia being the most-streamed on YouTube.

In January and in a similar Q&A session, the prime time news anchor revealed that one of her biggest regret in life was falling in love with a serial cheat and ‘settling for the bare minimum ’.

“The only regret I have in life is settling for less when I could have had so much more. Set your standards and stick to them unapologetically,” she shared.

In the recent Q& A dated May 18th,  Muli said she is happy being single and that when she was married . “Not keen on talking about marriage as I am currently very happy as I am.”

In December 2018, the citizen TV anchor called out the father of her second child Jared Nevaton saying he was a ‘narcissistic and a community husband’.

Otile Brown
Muli said she’d decided to air  her dirty linen in public as she did not want to be linked with moving forward.

However, in February 2019, the two rekindled their love again but the romance has since fizzled out completely.

“As public figures, we meet all sorts of people, and most just want trophies whether you are well known or not be very careful who you allow into your life don’t go giving your heart to everyone. Sociopaths will keep you entangled in their web of lies, and you will be one of their many victims. When you actually believe someone is true to you only to find out they are community husbands you are safer stepping aside. Nobody should ever tag me in posts about Jared Ombongi who has previously been associated with me, I disassociate myself from such links from today,” she posted at the time.

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