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The Digit-al Dozen Does Texture - Day Two

It's really not a Textured theme without breaking out some textured polishes.  I automatically thought of the OPI Liquid Sands but really want to try and use some of my untried polishes which made me think of my Zoya Pixie Dusts.  I have quite a few of them but I don't think I have used a lot of them.... I say I don't think I have used them because at this point in time I barely know what I have in my collection let alone what I have actually worn.  So much so I have decided that I am going to try and swatch 100 untried polishes by the end of the year.  I'm not sure how likely it is this will happen but I will be adding it to my "New Years Resolutions".

When I was going through my Pixie Dust collection I found Zoya Alice and I thought it was gorgeous and needed to go on my nails.  I thought it was an untried polish of mine.  Turns out it's not and I have swatches and review already here on my blog.  Oops.  It's still gorgeous though.  I stamped over it using Pueen 61 (which was an untried plate of mine - it still had the blue plastic on it!) and Hit The Bottle Snowed In.

I quite like using textured polishes and Alice is so pretty.  I should play with texture polishes more.

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