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Once upon a time there was light in my life

The last (almost) total solar eclipse until 2090 is due over London at 9.30 this morning.

Of course, London will be under its usual blanket of grey cloud, so we'll hardly notice...

Never mind, eh? It's almost the weekend, and there's an obvious choice to help us celebrate - Miss Nicki French and her dance cover of Bonnie Tyler's over-emoting classic!

Total Eclipse of the Heart? I doubt it.

Thank Disco It's Friday? Definitely!!

Have a great weekend, one and all.

And here's some very useful advice on watching the eclipse, courtesy of... The Clangers!

[Ah, memories of childhood, and Oliver Postgate's Smallfilms]

For the more serious-minded: What you need to know about the eclipse, courtesy of The Guardian.

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