Last week, I was poking around an antique store which is really partly an antique store and partly a "stuff" store. And I spied a guitar that was hard to miss because of its color: pink. Not all pink, mind you, but pink is involved. I strummed the strings and it sounded reasonably in tune. The price was crazy cheap and included a case. (A nylon case, not a hard case, but I like the nylon case idea better.) And to top it all off, it was 20% off.
So I didn't buy it.
Why? I dunno. Because I'm a dork, that's why.
But I thought about my Barbie Dream Guitar this week, thinking I should buy it because 1) it's so cheap that even if I lose interest in the whole guitar-playing idea in a week or two, I'd hardly be out any money, and because 2) it's pink!
Pink is far from my favorite color, but this baby was just too kitchsy to pass up. Even though I passed it up.
So today, I took a walk to the antique/stuff store and told myself that if the guitar was still there, it would be mine.
And there it was, right where it was last week. And I noticed that it was missing a string, but I didn't care.
The sales lady wrote up a receipt and when all was said and done, I paid just over $27. We slipped it into its case, I slung it over my shoulder, and instantly felt about 1,000% cooler. How many uncool people walk around with guitars on their backs? Um, none.
When I arrived home with my BDG, I IMed L.A. Dave and he wanted a picture immediately, so I fired up my laptop with the built-in camera, snapped a couple of shots, and sent one off to him. This one (note the excellent – and completely unintentional – use of chiaroscuro):
I had described the guitar to L.A. Dave, pre-picture, and he wrote, "It sounds flamboyant," which is the word that was hanging in the air when he suggested that I name it.
"Flamboyant" made me think of Hank Azaria in The Birdcage so I decided to name my guitar Agador.
I also IMed New John (who plays guitar) about my purchase and he pointed me toward the first chords I need to learn and then asked me what song I'd like to learn to play first, which was a terribly good question and one which I couldn't answer immediately, but then I had a flash.
One of the next songs I'd like to try in the studio is "You Believe in Me" by
I think Agador and I will be very happy together. Inside a pocket on the case is a guitar strap, which set me to thinking that I should get extra campy and BeDazzle it with "Agador."
Right after I buy a BeDazzler. Which will be never.
For campy I am not.
But musical I am. So I'm excited to learn how to play.
It's pink!
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