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What Say You: Robert Downey Jr. In Blackface

On August 13, Tropic Thunder will hit theaters. If the trailer holds true, this looks to be a great comedy about Hollywood and action pictures. And as the spoof to end all spoofs on method acting, Robert Downey's character Kirk Lazarus surgically has the color of his skin changed to play an African American soldier in the movie.

There have been more than a few articles written about Downey's character in this movie and I guess I'm a little surprised. Of course it's impossible to look at this role historically and not think of Stepin Fetchit, Amos 'n' Andy even Judy Garland and Bing Crosby. But I certainly wouldn't put Downey's character in the same controversial category as these other roles. But hey, maybe I'm just an insensitive white guy.

Should Downey's character in Tropic Thunder be scrutinized along with the others, or have we all just become a bunch of politically correct ninnies?


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