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WHEW! Made It Back Here!!

Here I am, back as promised within a day or two ... it's been a hectic week and it's only Tuesday ... I feel a bit like Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day" ... except MY groundhog day has been a Monday ... TWICE!! You know how Monday's always seem to be that little more chaotic, a little busier and you discover all the things you have to manage to fit into THIS week will actually take a month ... and rediscover all the things you forgot to do LAST week?!?! Throw in copious amounts of interruptions by phone calls and office-drop-ins, the boss being out of the office two days running ... and THAT'S how my week started ... WHEW!! Is it Friday yet?! :0)

Enough excuses ... I promised I'd be back to let you know the results of the OPAM random draw for March ... My birthday month ... [ just saying! :0) ] A big WOO! HOO! And congrats to all you busy OPAMers who contributed to the March total of a whopping ...


WOW! I can almost hear echoes in all those gradually emptying sewing rooms as finishes are taken out of cupboards and finished. What's that? Your sewing room is still wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling fabric and WISPS?!? Gotta tell you ... you're not Robinson Crusoe! Tee! Hee! Hee! Well done to everyone who was able to get some finishes on their sidebar lists ... isn't it a great feeling of accomplishment! :0) And another congrats to all of you who may not have added finishes, but managed to spend some time progressing longer-term projects. It might seem a bit slow going, but remember it's as important to enjoy the process as much as the finished product ... or to use a much-over-used phrase ... enjoy the journey as well as the destination. Being creative is very calming (unless the machine isn't playing nicely or the thread gets in a tangle!!) and working on our sewing/knitting/crochet/quilting projects means we're taking a bit of a breather from being grown-ups and taking time for ourselves to recharge the batteries. And THAT'S the most important part of OPAM. :0)

A big THANKS! also to everyone who took the time to email their tally of finishes through to me or my sweet Partner-In-Crime Sweet Peg. It is VERY much appreciated. Sorry I haven't had a chance to email everyone back this month ... too many things happening to keep me from my computer. I promise to try to do better next time. :0) OK ... drumroll for the draw ... the winners are ...

If you gals would like to email me with your snail mail address, I'll pop a little something in the mail ... I confess that I'm way behind with some mailing, too ... EEK!! I can see 2014 is going to be my year for being several months behind where I should be. Oh ... wait ... that's NORMAL!!! :0)

Now, because I don't like to do a post without pics, I thought I'd share with you a little treasure I discovered on my last play date with my Bestest-Buddy-Since-We-Were-Nine Lynette. When we head out for a play date, Lynette and I (like so many other bloggers!) love to hit antique and collectible shops to see what bargains and treasures we can find. I already showed you my little Scotch Thistle Depression Glass bowl I found ... well ... I also snaffled this little beauty ...

Isn't it cute ... the Depression Glass bowl, not the bunny ... tho ... she IS pretty cute too! Tee! Hee! Hee! I've never seen a little bowl quite like this one before. It has fluted, wavy edges with etching on it. I sometimes wish I knew a bit more about the pretties I collect, but usually end up just doing the A.D.O.P. thing again! Tee! Hee! Hee! I shall have to find the perfect home for this sweet bowl, but for now, Bunny can bowl-sit. :0)

OK ... that's it from me for today. Hope your week is off to a less "Monday-ish" beginning than mine has been and that you manage to find time to escape into your sewing room. Fingers crossed ... I might get into mine tomorrow after work ... if that darn Groundhog lets me move on to a Wednesday! :0) Til next time ...



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