Tole is having a wee spot of trouble with trees taking over his main sewer line. After seeing a photo of the problem, I was put in mind of a Gary Larson 'Far Side' cartoon with two cavemen looking at a hole in the floor of a cave, with one caveman saying, "Ooo, this not be cheap."
I went looking through the Intarwebz for a copy of the cartoon to e-mail to him, but alas I couldn't find one.
What I found instead, was one of those little touches that gives me hope for the human race.
In 1982, Gary Larson drew a 'Far Side' cartoon of a bunch of cavemen at a lecture. The lecturer is pointing to the wickedly spiked tail of a stegosaurus and saying, "Now this end is called the thagomizer, after the late Thag Simmons."
As per the usual with 'Far Side' cartoons, this was very funny -- although I really can't tell you why.
Anyhoo, apparently paleontologists have the same sense of humour that I do because those spikes are now commonly referred to as the "thagomizer" in reference books, museum exhibits -- and Discover Magazine.
There may be some hope for people after all.
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