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The never ending Cuff

This is my first Gint-A-Cuffs. This is only the second year for this fine event, so I guess it is probably a lot of people's first time. I am enjoying it, as I enjoy any excuse to rip packs. But it sure is a lot of work. Pardon the crappy pictures, they are pictures of the cards rather than scans, because I don't have a scanner. Also, I forgot to photograph the backside of minis that should have their backsides shown. If I face disqualification from a top-five position, than I will scan 'em. Otherwise, trust me.

Packs 13-18

Pack 13
48, Francis, horseshoeist (0)
280, Uehara, Balt, Amer (0)
90, Kouzmanoff Oak, Amer (0)

51, Holliday, StL, Nat'l (2 fp)
235, Guillen, Det, Amer (0)

347, Cabrera, Cin, Nat'l (2 sp)


307, Iwamura, Pit, Nat'l (3 sp)


Fukudome, Chi, Nat'l (1)

8 points

Pack 14

114, Scott, mild annoyance (0)*

*not nearly as annoying as that windbag douchefart Berman.

30, Furcal, La, Nat'l (0)
213, Reynolds, Arz, Nat'l (0)
49, Mejia, NY, Nat'l (0)

171, Young, Tex, Amer (2 fp)

331, Street, Col, Nat'l (2 sp)


182, Carpenter, Stl, Nat'l (3, black bordered mini) The black bordered minis are very classy, and I like them very much.


Halladay, Phi, Nat'l (3, hist, FP)

10 point pack

Pack 15
53, Carson, Oak, Amer (0)
277, Philbin, TV (0)
200, Berkman, Hou, Nat'l (0)
138, Vasquez, NY, Amer (-1)
58, Rasmus, Stl, Nat'l (0)

290, Lester, Bos, Amer (1 FT). I should have made Lester my FP, since I actually collect him, but I thought of Ortiz and just assumed he would be in the set. I mean, he is only top 5 most popular players in the league... what the hell Topps?


Aphrodite, Lord(ess?) of Olympus (3, LO). Wouldn't Athenian Gods or something be a better title if you are making it an equal opportunity set?


Upton, Arz, Nat'l (1)

Four points, thanks to that Yankee bastard Vasquez

Pack 16
128, Florine, Ropes and rocks (0)
236, Johnson, flexible eye candy (0)
44, Coghlan, Fla, Nat'l (0)
210, Johnson, Hou, Nat'l (0)
191, Morneau, Min, Amer (0)

sketch card, Utley, Phi, Nat'l (3, +2 fp, 5)


285, Rodriquez, Ny, Amer (-1 NYY, 2 ginter back, 1). Again, it really is Ginter backed.


McCann, Atl, Nat'l (1)

7 points

Pack 17
297, Newton, sexy-haired apple dropper (0)

165, Jacoby, blogger-extrordinaire, (1)
154, Fransicso, Cin, Nat'l (0)
245, Dunn, Atl, Nat'l (0)
260, Young, SD, Nat'l (0)
117, Walker, Pit, Nat'l (0)


Aurelius, Worlds Wordsmiths (4)


Hill, Tor, Amer (1)

6 points.

Pack 18
135, Blackburn, Nat'l Association of Paper Planists (0)
54, Hawk, Skateboarder (0)
263, Tejada, NY, Nat'l (0)
137, Zimmerman, Was, Nat'l (0)
64, Beckett, Bos, Amer (1, FT)

sketch, Tulowitzki, Col, Nat'l (3)


Monsters of the Mesozoic, Pachycephalosaurus (3). Pack-y-sef-alo-saurus. Maybe.


Kinsler, Tex, Amer (1)

8 points

43 this group. Puts me over 100 points, with a surprise to go.

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